Primary School
Do you want to empower your children to learn, connect and engage at an early age? Enrol your children in the BJE Jewish Journey today!
The BJE Jewish Learning journey in primary school provides a foundational knowledge of Jewish traditions, festivals, lifecycle and history and commences with SRE (Special Religious Education) or ‘Scripture’ as it’s commonly called.
The BJE Jewish Social Journey in the primary school enables your children to connect with Jewish friendship networks and peers in their local area and where possible in other parts of NSW.
BJE’s Natif Program is ‘an alternate to’ or ‘in addition to’ a traditional shul-based Bar or Bat Mitzvah. Students will embark on a rite of passage journey, based on Jewish values of Tikkun Olam, kindness and integrity.
Knowledge Centre
BJE has a wealth of knowledge about all things Jewish to share with you. Come explore!
Jewish Studies
Knowledge Centre
Year K-2 Meet & Greet
You’re invited to BJE’s Term 3 Meet & Greet. Join Year K-2 Extension students at Bellevue Hill Public School and Rose Bay Public School as they enjoy a Rosh Hashana craft activity. Meet your child’s teacher and connect with other parents.
Parents visit Jewish Journey
We are so excited when our parents join us on our Jewish Journey. They loved helping us make our beautiful challah covers which we will use every Friday night. We