Rosh HaShanah Explained for Kids

 shofar_blow2Rosh haShanah means ‘Head of the Year’ in Hebrew. It is the beginning of ten days when Jewish people think very carefully about their behaviour during the past year.

We remember what we have done, ask and pray to be forgiven for any bad deeds and promise to be better next year.

Rosh haShanah is a serious day and we spend a lot of the time praying.

Rosh haShanah falls on the 1st and 2nd days of Tishrei, which is the seventh Hebrew month (this will be in September or October of the secular year).

Jewish people also think of Rosh haShanah as the birthday of the world, the birthday of Adam (the first man), the day on which Sarah first learned that she would have Isaac, and the day Isaac was born.

The single most important symbol of Rosh HaShanah is the shofar, the animal horn which is blown on Rosh HaShanah (except if it is also Shabbat) and which reminds us in particular to do teshuvah (to be sorry for wrong things we have done and make an effort not to do them again).


Because Rosh HaShanah is such an important holiday, the rabbis have given it some extra names. These are:

Yom Teruah – The Day of the Blowing (of the trumpets). (We do not blow actual trumpets on Rosh haShanah, but rather the shofar, an animal horn or trumpet).

Yom haZikaron – The Day of Remembering

Zichron Teruah – Tribute to the Blowing (of the trumpets)

Yom haDin – The Day of Judgment




Rosh HaShanah Symbols & Customs

The Shofar

Synagogue Services

Fast of Gedaliah

Akhlah: Rosh haShanah

Aish haTorah: High Holiday Family Activities

Chabad: About Rosh haShanah

Torah Tots: Rosh Hashana

123 Greetings: Rosh Hashanah (free e-cards to send to family & friends)