Lunch Club

BJE High School LUnch Clubs are an opportunity for teens to meet and form Jewish friendships within their school environment. At lunch club the atmosphere is super casual; students can chat with each other, snack on treats and sweets provided by BJE Madrichim (leaders), and participate in program which centre on Jewish values, culture, and festivals.

Examples of past activities at Lunch Clubs include:

  • DIY Hamentashen for Purim
  • Lolly Sukkah building for Sukkot
  • Jeopardy Quizzes about Judaism, Israel, Festivals, and more
  • Toffee apple making for Rosh HaShanah
  • Donut decorating for Chanukah

Please note:
Due to COVID regulations, lunch clubs are currently in recess.
We look forward to them resuming as the situation improves.

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