Studies of Religion and Faith Studies

We offer programs related to Judaism for students attending non-Jewish schools who are learning about Judaism as part of their faith studies. Our programs cater to students across all school year groups, and we also have programs specifically designed for students undertaking the NSW Studies of Religion course.

Each year students travel all throughout New South Wales to participate in our programs and enjoy visits to synagogues and the Sydney Jewish Museum in addition to our presentations on various aspects of Judaism. 

Students may enjoy presentations as part of either an excursion (to an external venue, such as as a synagogue) or an incursion (where our presenter comes to their school). Of course, if you prefer, we are also able to arrange online presentations via Zoom for your students.

We also offer an annual in-service to teachers of the NSW Studies of Religion course. To contact us and find out more, please use our SOR Initial Enquiry form
