Stories & Songs for Pesach


Simcha’s Torah Stories

The Other Side of the Story


Aish haTorah: Haggadah Songs (provides the words in transliteration)

Judaism 101: Pesach Songs – Pesach Songs & Music

Pesach Songs (video, 7 minutes 34 seconds)

Ma Nishtana (video, 1 minute 33 seconds)

Mah Nishtanah – the 4 Questions in Hebrew (has transliteration)(video, 1 minute 50 seconds)

Passover Songs 2011 (an assortment of songs for young children performed by JCC Dallas Early Childhood)(video, 8 minutes 13 seconds)(mostly modern songs rather than traditional)

Kadesh Urechatz – The Seder Song (video, 1 minute 42 seconds)

Kiddush for Passover – Karaoke Style (includes Hebrew text)(video, 2 minutes 50 seconds)(note: for religious reasons, God’s name is sung as ‘Adoshem’ in this video, but it should be sung as ‘Adonai’ when making actual Kiddush)