Teaching Positions Available

BJE is currently looking to employ teachers. The positions available are part time and may involve teaching at a number of different schools. Formal teaching qualifications are not required and we provide training, but prior experience working with children would be an advantage. For more detailed information, please see the Job Description below.

Job Description – Teacher

The duties and responsibilities of a Teacher include the following:

Overall Functions

  • To teach and educate students according to guidelines provided by BJE
  • To teach and educate students according to the educational needs, abilities and attainment potential of individual students.

Main Responsibilities

  • Ensure the necessary preparations are made to be able to deliver lessons to all students in the class;
  • Teaching according to the educational needs and abilities of students;
  • Adopting and working towards the implementation of the school guidelines of the particular school they are giving service in;
  • Assigning work, correcting and marking work carried out by his/her students;
  • Ensure the general progress and well-being of individual students, groups of students or class entrusted to him/her;
  • Communicating, consulting and co-operating with other members of the school staff and BJE to ensure the best interest of students;
  • Reviewing and evaluating one’s own teaching and learning strategies and methodologies in line with the BJE guidelines;
  • Advising and co-operating with BJE Education Officers in the preparation and development of courses of study, teaching materials, teaching programs and methods;
  • Ensuring high standards of professional practice and quality of teaching and learning of the subject/s. Through effective dialogue, participating in reciprocal peer review and observation of class teaching practice by BJE officials;
  • Participating in In-Service education and training courses as well as in continuing professional development opportunities;
  • Maintaining good order and discipline among students under one’s care and safeguarding their health and safety at all times;
  • Participating in staff, group or other meetings related to the school curriculum or pastoral care arrangements, for the better organisation and administration of BJE;
  • Contributing to the professional development of new teachers;
  • Providing the necessary information and advice to the designated personnel in the school and/or BJE and to provide all the necessary information regarding requisitions and arrangements in connection with the teaching of the subject/s assigned to him/her;
  • Ensuring the safe custody and optimum use of equipment normally used by oneself during lessons and sees to its regular servicing and maintenance;
  • Registering and monitoring the attendance of students under one’s care;
  • Nurturing a culture where teachers view themselves essentially as facilitators of learning and reflective practitioners;
  • Making use of audio-visual technological devices/aides, such as radio aids, projectors and other adaptations during the delivery of the lessons;
  • Contribute students work, photos or videos to the BJE promotional outlets.

To apply, please complete and submit our Application for Employment as a Teacher form.