Mesiba- Purim Party
Get ready for the ultimate Purim Party! Dress up, dance, and celebrate with us on March 13 for a night of music, fun, and delicious treats!
Get ready for the ultimate Purim Party! Dress up, dance, and celebrate with us on March 13 for a night of music, fun, and delicious treats!
We are thrilled to invite you to Ash Levi Leadership Camp. This camp is designed to equip young Jewish students with valuable leadership skills through
engaging activities, dynamic programs, and hands-on learning experiences.
Dreaming of an Israeli adventure? Join us on March 9th for an info night about our life-changing Nesiah Israel Program for Yr 10 & 11 students! Can’t make it in person? Zoom link available
Don’t miss out on the sweetest event of March! 📍 East Location – 4 March 📍 North Location – 6 March. Don’t wait – save the date!
Join us for the BJE Summer Holiday Hub – a 3-day program packed with adventure over the pupil free days in Feb.
Come and join us for an afternoon of fun, games and FREE milkshakes! Yes, you read that right, FREE milkshakes just by signing up!
We have both an East option and a North option.
Get to Know Our New ShinShinim Our ShinShinim have arrived and are already making an impact!
BJE is a vibrant community because of you, and I hope you have grown in confidence this year, proudly acknowledging your Jewish identity. Please know that BJE is here to support you.
BJE is strongly committed to delivering quality educational experiences through the Jewish Journey and furthering the number of Jewish teens involved in Jewish life and communal participation.
BJE inspires the Jewish Identity of our Community’s youth by providing a comprehensive Jewish education in NSW State Schools.
All programs embody the BJE philosophy of providing intelligent and engaging classes and activities which bring Judaism to life.
©2025 NSW Board of Jewish Education | ABN: 470 0004 9785 | All rights reserved