HUB Learning
The HUBS embrace the principles and practices of the learning outcomes articulated in My Time Our
Place, Australia’s national framework for School-Age Care. Known as Hazman Sheli, Hamakom
Shelanu at BJE, this framework has been inspired by Australian and international research promoting
the development of skills, knowledge, actions, and interactions that will set young learners up for
success in a life of communal engagement, active citizenship, and successful participation in a wide
range of settings.
The HUB program reflects our commitment to embrace a love of Jewish Life embedded in the delivery
of varied experiential learning opportunities.
The BJE HUB curriculum includes four areas of scaffolded learning:

Students will enjoy varied sessions daily, offering learning experiences from all four curriculum components.
All lessons are well-prepared and delivered by experienced educators and post-school youth leaders.
Families seeking a more formal Hebrew learning program are encouraged also to consider our
dedicated Hebrew classes.
The Daily Routine
Each day, the students will participate in a well-prepared and familiar routine, including afternoon tea
and a full group assembly.
The routine includes:
Our HUB educators will keep you updated on what happens each day through our class app.