Food & Nutrition

Healthy and nutritious afternoon tea will be prepared and provided as part of the Daily Fees of the BJE HUBS. We adhere to the guidelines of the NSW Department of Education Healthy School Canteens Strategy. Click here for more information. All food provided is Kosher.  

The afternoon team may reflect some of the traditional foods eaten at the various festivals that BJE HUBS will be celebrating. On enrolment, families will be provided with information about the menu and what children can expect each week.

Food allergies will always be considered. Food preferences may be shared, but BJE HUBS cannot cater to each individual child’s food preferences.

BJE HUBS will commit to fresh, healthy, and varied afternoon tea options. If your child does not like the food offered, we welcome your feedback, requests, and suggestions and will do our best to accommodate them. Unfortunately, we cannot promise that this will be actioned—cost, availability, and Kosher restrictions will be applied to the weekly menu.

Water is our preferred drink of choice and will be available to students throughout the sessions.

No sweets, chocolates, or soft drinks will be served or permitted. Please do not send these from home with your child.

When you enrol your child, please make known any food allergies your child may have. If you have any questions or concerns email